**saying "adios!" to 2011 as we welcome 2012...**over the
past few years, i've mentioned how with each New Year, i've stopped wiping my slate completely clean and instead started
building upon the base that i've spent a year (or years) creating. it's now become my habit of thought as i count down to midnight and honestly, one of my favorite parts of welcoming a new year.
don't get me wrong, there are things with which i certainly need to regroup at square one (ahem, road rage), but most of my resolutions are
a work in progress that may never be quite complete or even as simple as a few mundane tasks i've procrastinated on for like, ever.
on the whole, i like to maintain my health (keep up the exercise routine and the good diet), continue to develop my relationships (near and far), and increase the amount of positive energy + love i put into this world (a little less lip gloss, a little more volunteering). so those standbys are back for another go, with variations to keep them fresh. but i can't do any of these things without taking note of where i've been and truly considering what actually works for me. resolutions are like mistakes - you don't want to keep making the exact same ones over and over again. if you did, what's so new/fun about each year?
this year, on top of traveling (three more new cities in 2012!) and organizing photos from our past summer excursions to costa rica, puerto rico and hawaii, i've made it a goal to buy less...stuff and use more of what i already have. my makeup bag could
not have more black eyeliners and pink lip glosses, and i don't think i'll ever need another pair of black boots, so i'm starting there. to say i won't shop is ridiculous and quite frankly, setting me up for failure. but for every item i buy (and if you know me, you know i buy in twos...
at least), i'll be giving one away - not consigning - giving. that's my goal anyway. my never-before-tried challenge. so wish me luck!
cheers to you + best of luck on your resolutions. and here's to hope + success with whatever you wish in 2012!