Thursday, February 26, 2009


i understand cutting back on bi-weekly mani-pedis, lash tinting and electrolysis, but grab a bottle of essie, a tube of great lash and a venus razor people (or whatever you wish - these are simply my personal faves). just because the economy is going down, doesn't mean we have to:

maintenance people, maintenance!

Friday, February 20, 2009

the way i see it

this morning in the starbucks, while i was craving my daily shot of caffeine and all the glorious side effects it brings me, the man in front of me on my walk to the fixins bar jolted me out of my peaceful, cozy aroma-smelling trance.

his cardboard cup holder fell on the ground and he wound up - no joke - and kicked that thing right across the floor and under the bar of cream, sugar and spices. i paused. making sure that was all he was going to kick and surely not wanting to be the next target if it wasn't. what, may i ask, mr. burberry coat, is your problem on this friday against the post-consumer recycled cup holder and the poor people who made your grande-double shot-skinny-latte with a half shot of hazelnut and half shot of vanilla, or what ever ridiculous drink you made them create for you, at starbucks?

instead i asked, "was that necessary?"

Friday, February 13, 2009

dear love,

i want to say thank you for all that you do.

you make people beautiful. you make people laugh, cry, giddy, happy. you humble the proud, lift up the insecure. you promise people a new beginning but also beg people to face their past. you are spur-of-the-moment and constant. you feel amazing when we are first introduced and you feel even better when you become a great, old friend.

you are a hug, a kiss, a card, a talk, a look. flowers, dinner, a tease and comfortable silence. but in your truest form - the way for which you should always be seen and used - you are unconditional. you bring people together, help them find a common ground.

you tear people apart sometimes too. make them angry, desperate and mad. leave them scarred, alone, suspicious - crazy.

but i believe in you love. and i believe that you do conquer all. i am thankful that you've always been a part of my life. and i am most thankful that i've found you in another. i was born because of you and i would die for you.

so, love, happy valentines day.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

north vs. south

today was the day that a distinct thing happened to me where i thought: "now THAT would never happen in the south." OK, maybe "never" is a strong word because while i believe in the goodness of people, some tend to prove me wrong from time to time, so we'll say "rarely."

i was walking out of the T and a man (we're talking 40s - 50s here) was about to walk into the same door. expecting for him to open it for me so that i may pass through (maybe that's my fault - expecting) he did not. he stood outside the door and waited for me to open it myself, then proceeded to duck through without so much as leaving a pinkie print anywhere on that thing.

so, it is today that i want to give a nod (yet again) to the land of southern gentleman who still open and hold doors for ladies.

in other news everyone's getting a taste of spring with temperatures in the 50s here. i have to say, it's quite nice and i'm having to look hard for the piles of snow and ice. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the gods will continue to bless us right on into may :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

another day in the life.

welcome february! i don't think i've ever said that before. but i recently realized i made it through january of my first new england winter. it's far from over, but i'm confident i can make it. this month is filled with visitors, valentines and a ski weekend in NH - and it's sure to go by as fast as me going down those slopes in my pie-position. until then, today i feel (and look) like this: